[A] To add completed finished goods in a Process, go to the PRODUCTION module. You will be in the BOM settings window.

[B] Go to the Production Order tab and in it, the WIP section. In the WIP section, go to the APPROVED tab and click on the relevant process number. 

[C] A new page showing the details of the Production Order shows up. In it, click on the ACTIONS button, hover over ACTION in the dropdown list and click on FINISHED GOOD.

[D] A new page showing the finished goods details shows up. Fill in the table the number of goods produced, or click on the blue button to confirm the production of all the goods in the process.Then, click on the SAVE button.

[F] This confirms that the raw materials issued to the process have been used to make the desired items in the Production Order.

Keywords: Make finished goods, Create finished goods , New finished goods , Add FG